Condo Launch Singapore: Jurong DBSS Launch
A Jurong DBSS project has been launched by HDB in November 2010. Developers have been invited to submit tenders for this new Design Build Sell Scheme site at Yuan Ching Road in Jurong estate of Singapore.
Details of Jurong DBSS Launch :
Jurong DBSS Launch Location = Yuan Ching Road
Jurong DBSS Launch Proposed Development = Public Housing
Jurong DBSS Launch Site Area = 21,199.7 sq m
Jurong DBSS Launch Max. Allowable GFA [GPR] = 63,599.1 sq m [3.0]
Jurong DBSS Launch Estimated Dwelling Units = 580
Jurong DBSS Launch Lease Term = 103 years (includes a 48-month construction period)
Jurong DBSS Launch Pricing = wait for preview launch
Jurong DBSS Launch Developer = to be decided after tender close
Note: Property price is subject to change without notice. Prices quoted today may go up or come down depending on property cycles. You should also compare and double check property prices before making any decision to purchase a new launch condominium or new launch property project.